My Readback Information

The My Readback program creates custom speedbuilding classes, like attending live speedbuilding classes, which present dictations based on structured lesson plans. Each 6-minute audio dictation is broken down into six 1-minute audio segments that are repeated five times at varying speeds based on the “lesson plan” you select. The audio segments are presented the same way a teacher presents a live speedbuilding class. My Speedbuilding offers structured dictation, longer practice sessions, old fashioned speedbuilding approach to building speed. If you have a Stenograph USB writer connected to your computer, you can even read back from your steno strokes, not English, during your My Readback practice sessions. Reading steno just like we did in the old days when we read back in class from our paper steno notes.  
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My Readback – Demonstration

This video will demonstrate all of the features of the My Readback program.